Relevant Coursework: Internet Security, Human Factors in Security and Privacy, Offensive Security, Cyber Analytics and Machine Learning, Distributed System Security, Deep Learning Security, Network Security and Forensics, Penetration Testing, Network Security & Forensics, Network & System Security Audit, Cyber Defense Techniques, Xtreme Theory, Cybersecurity Policy and Law, Authentication, Principles of Web Application Security, Introduction to Database and Data Modeling, Introduction to Cryptography, Network Services, Reverse Engineering Fundamentals, Systems Administration, Routing and Switching
Acted as part of a Blue team. Secured RocketChat, Flask and WordPress servers within a virtualized network. Learned to write incident reports and developed system administration skills.
Designed and created a prototype of a social media platform using Java that implemented a modified Link Chain Mechanism to form social connections.
Acted as part of a Blue team. Secured Windows Active Directory and DNS Servers and defended a virtualized network from external attacks. Learned system administration skills.
Developed an Android application called 'TempTunes' that used various API calls to play music based on the current temperature. Learned to integrate different tools and developing software.
Acted as part of a Blue team. Strengthened the digital security infrastructure of the network and maintained NginX Web Servers. Experienced threat-hunting and management in real time